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Tweet up with us! UK Networking Hours on Twitter

March 20, 2014 by in category Digital Marketing, News, Social Media with 0 and 0

Networking hours can be great for your business, just by adding a hashtag into you tweet you can connect to businesses, clients and potential customers in your local area or industry. There are many networking hours (tweet-ups, twitter hours, twitter chats) on Twitter, so find your local one, get involved and start networking!

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Here’s our favourite local hours from around the North East!

North East Local Hours:

#NorthEastHour Mondays 8 – 9pm, Tuesday 2 – 3pm Networking hour for the whole of the North East
#HartlepoolHour Tuesday 3 -4 pm, Sunday 6 -7pm Networking hour for the Hartlepool community
#TeesTime Wednesday 2 -3pm Networking hour for the Teesside area
#TeessideHour Thursday 8-9pm, Sunday 9-10pm Networking hour for Teesside
#CoDurhamHour Wednesday 2 -3pm, Sunday 8 – 9pm Networking hour for the County Durham area
#DarloBizHour Monday 7 – 8pm Networking hour for Darlington businesses
#AycliffeHour Thursday 3 -4pm Networking hour for the Aycliffe community
#RedcarHour Tuesday & Thursday 3:30 – 4:30pm Networking Hour for Redcar Businesses

[restab title=”North”]

#BrandYorkshire Monday / Saturday 8pm to 9pm / 8-9om Brandyorkshire organise a number of networking events throughout Yorkshire.
#HarrogateHour Monday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Harrogate community.
#YorkshireJobsHour Tuesday 12pm to 1pm Find vacancies, apply for jobs and discuss employment-related issues with other job seekers and/or employers in Yorkshire.
#CalderdaleHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Calderdale community.
#DiscoverRipon Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Ripon (North Yorkshire) community.
#DoncasterHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Doncaster community.
#SheffieldHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sheffield community.
#WetherbyHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Wetherby community.
#RydaleHour Wednesday 7pm to 8pm Networking hour for the Rydale & Yorkshire Coast community.
#YorkBizHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the York community.
#YorkshireHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Yorkshire community.
#BradfordHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Bradford community.
#HullHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Hull community.
#LeedsHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Leeds community.
#SheffieldBizHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sheffield community.
#SheffieldHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sheffield community.
#WakefieldHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Wakefield community.
#YorkHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the York community.
#HolmfirthHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Holmfirth community.

[restab title=”East”]

#LincsHour Monday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Lincolnshire community
#PboroHour Monday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Peterborough community
#ColchesterHour Tuesday 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Colchester community
#EssexHour Wednesday 2pm to 3pm Networking hour for the Essex community
#BraintreeHour Wednesday 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Braintree (Essex) community
#HarlowHour Wednesday 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Harlow community
#CambsHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Cambridgeshire community
#ChelmsfordHour Thursday 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Chelmsford community
#EastAngliaHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the East Anglia community
#SudburyHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sudbury community

[restab title=”South”]

#KetteringHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Kettering community.
#BrumHour Sunday 8PM to 9PM Networking Hour for Birmingham.
#KingsLynnHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Kings Lynn (West Norfolk) community.
#NidderdaleHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Nidderdale AONB, & Pateley Bridge community.
#WorthingHour Wednesday 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Worthing community.
#HarboroughHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Harborough community.
#DudleyHour Wednesday 6pm to 7pm A networking hour for the Dudley community. Helps to connect people and promote their business in the West Midlands .
#NorthantsHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Northamptonshire community.

[restab title=”West”]

#StaffordshireHour Tuesday / Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Staffordshire community.
#ShropshireHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Shropshire community.

[restab title=”South East”]

#SoutheastHour Tuesday 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the South East of England community.
#SurreyHour Tuesday 7.30pm to 8.30pm Networking hour for the Surrey community.
#KentHour Tuesday 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Kent community.
#HampshireHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Hampshire community.
#BerksHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Berkshire community.
#OxHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Oxfordshire community.
#NottsNatter Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Nottingham community.
#SussexHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sussex community.
#DartfordHour Thursday 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Dartford community.
#MKHour Thursday 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Milton Keynes community.

[restab title=”South West”]

#LedburyHour Monday 11am to 12pm Networking hour for the Ledbury community.
#HerefordHour Monday 1pm to 2pm Networking hour for the Hereford community.
#SouthWestHour Monday 2pm to 3pm Networking hour for the South West of England community.
#WiltshireHour Tuesday 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Wiltshire community.
#CornwallHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Cornwall community.
#DevonHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Devon community.
#SalisburyHour Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Salisbury community.
#SomersetHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Somerset community.

[restab title=”North West”]

#CumbriaHour Monday 7pm to 8pm Networking hour for the Lake District community.
#CheshireHour Monday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Cheshire community.
#StHelensHour Monday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the St Helens Community.
#NorthWestHour Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the North West of England community.
#MerseyBiz Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Merseyside community.
#AvYourSay Tuesday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Amber Valley (Derbyshire) community.
#BlackpoolHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Blackpool community.
#DerbyshireHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Derbyshire community.
#LancashireHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Lancashire community.
#LiverpoolHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Liverpool community.
#ManchesterHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Manchester community.
#WarringtonHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Warrington community.
#WirralHour Thursday 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the The Wirral community.
#NorthWestHour Thursday 9pm to 10pm Networking hour for the North West of England community.



#JobHour 10am to 11am Find vacancies, apply for jobs and discuss employment-related issues with other job seekers and/or employers.
#LedburyHour 11am to 12pm Networking hour for the Ledbury community.
#UKBizLunch 12pm to 1pm A general lunchtime networking hour, every day Mon – Fri
#HerefordHour 1pm to 2pm Networking hour for the Hereford community.
#BizHour 2pm to 3pm A daily networking event for all businesses.
#SouthWestHour 2pm to 3pm Networking hour for the South West of England community.
#B2BHour 3pm to 4pm A general networking event for all businesses.
#FollowHour 3pm to 4pm Network to get more followers, Monday to Friday from 3pm-4pm.
#CumbriaHour 7pm to 8pm Networking hour for the Lake District community.
#DarloBizHour 7pm to 8pm Networking hour for the Darlington community.
#MondayMadness 8:30pm to 9:30pm A general networking event for all businesses.
#BrandYorkshire 8pm to 9pm Brandyorkshire organise a number of networking events throughout Yorkshire.
#CheshireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Cheshire community.
#GPlusHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour designed to allow you to gain some Circle Members and +’s.
#HarrogateHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Harrogate community.
#LincsHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Lincolnshire community.
#MarketHour 8pm to 9pm Find out and chat about all of the UK’s markets.
#NorthEastHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the North East of England community.
#PboroHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Peterborough community.
#UDONetwork 8pm to 9pm A general hour of business advertising.
#StHelensHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the St Helens Community
#BizMumFollow 9am to 9pm Day-long networking event for entrepreneurial Mums.
#TwitterBrothers 9pm to 10pm Networking hour for men on Twitter (Don’t worry there’s #TwitterSisters for us girls too!)


#JobHour 10am to 11am Networking for employers & job seekers to fill or find vacancies.
#UKBizLunch 12pm to 1pm A general lunchtime networking hour, happens every weekday.
#YorkshireJobsHour 12pm to 1pm Find vacancies, apply for jobs and discuss employment-related issues with other job seekers and/or employers in Yorkshire.
#BizHour 2pm to 3pm A general daily networking event for all businesses.
#NorthEastHour 2pm to 3pm Networking hour for the North East of England community.
#B2BHour 3pm to 4pm A general networking event for all businesses.
#FollowHour 3pm to 4pm Monday to Friday from 3pm-4pm.
#ColchesterHour 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Colchester community.
#TendringHour 4pm to 5pm A networking hour for#Tendring businesses on Twitter.
#SurreyHour 7.30pm to 8.30pm Networking hour for the Surrey community.
#FashionHour 7pm to 8pm A business networking hour for those in or looking to get in to the fashion industry.
#UKMarketingHour 8pm to 9pm A general networking hour connecting UK marketing professionals and those looking for marketing.
#KentHour 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Kent community.
#MallowMummies 8.30pm to 9.30pm A general networking hour for small & micro businesses.
#SoutheastHour 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the South East of England community.
#WiltshireHour 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Wiltshire community.
#AvYourSay 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Amber Valley (Derbyshire) community.
#CalderdaleHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Calderdale community.
#DiscoverRipon 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Ripon (North Yorkshire) community.
#DoncasterHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Doncaster community.
#GooglePlusHour 8pm to 9pm (*every 3rd Tues of the month) Networking hour designed to allow you to connect, network & learn from G+ users.
#HampshireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Hampshire community.
#KetteringHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Kettering community.
#KingsLynnHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Kings Lynn (West Norfolk) community.
#MerseyBiz 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Merseyside community.
#NidderdaleHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Nidderdale AONB, & Pateley Bridge community.
#SheffieldHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sheffield community.
#StaffordshireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Staffordshire community.
#WestMidlandsHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the West Midlands community (#WestMids also may be used).
#WetherbyHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Wetherby community.
#KingOf 9am to 9pm For the guys on Twitter – a general networking hour for men.
#TALKT 9am to 9pm A networking hour of sharing yours/other’s artwork.
#SmallBizHour 9pm to 10pm Promoting UK small businesses.
#CharityTuesday All Day Support a cause or promote your cause every Tuesday on Twitter.


#JobHour 10am to 11am Find vacancies, apply for jobs and discuss employment-related issues with other job seekers and/or employers.
#UDONetwork 12pm to 1pm A general hour of business advertising.
#UKBizLunch 12pm to 1pm A general lunchtime networking hour, happens every weekday.
#SMHour 12pm to 2pm A two-hour networking session, in which you can pose questions and look for/offer advice on social media.
#WOW 1pm to 3pm Tweet @Jacqueline_Gold for chance of a RT.
#BizHour 2pm to 3pm A general daily networking event for all businesses
#CoDurhamHour 2pm to 3pm Networking hour for the County Durham community.
#EssexHour 2pm to 3pm Networking hour for the Essex community.
#B2BHour 3pm to 4pm A general networking event for all businesses.
#FollowHour 2pm to 3pm Get more followers! Monday to Friday from 3pm-4pm.
#Teestime 3pm to 4pm Networking hour for the Teesside community.
#BraintreeHour 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Braintree (Essex) community.
#HarlowHour 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Harlow community.
#FlutterBiz 6pm to 7pm A networking hour for UK businesses to promote themselves.
#HandmadeHour 7.30pm to 8.30pm A networking hour for those who craft, do art and handmake products.
#RydaleHour 7pm to 8pm Networking hour for the Rydale & Yorkshire Coast community.
#StirlingHour 7pm to 8pm Networking hour for the Sterlingshire community.
#BuyBritishBrands 8.30pm to 9.30pm A networking hour focused on British – buy/sell British products and services, offer advice/support and chat.
#Funickers 8.30pm to 9.30pm A fun networking hour.
#GossipGirls 8.30pm to 9.30pm A networking hour for the ladies – chat, sell, promote, support.
#WedChat 8.30pm to 9.30pm A networking hour focused on weddings and all that comes with them.
#WorthingHour 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Worthing community.
#BerksHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Berkshire community.
#CambsHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Cambridgeshire community.
#CornwallHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Cornwall community.
#DevonHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Devon community.
#EastMidlandsHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the East Midlands community.
#FBLikeHour 8pm to 9pm A networking hour dedicated to helping you promote your Facebook page.
#HarboroughHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Harborough community.
#MidlandsHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Midlands community.
#NorthWestHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the North West of England community.
#OrganicHour 8pm to 9pm A networking hour for everyone who loves organic – food, skincare, environment, fashion & policy.
#OxHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Oxfordshire community.
#SalisburyHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Salisbury community.
#ShropshireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Shropshire community.
#StaffordshireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Staffordshire community.
#YorkBizHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the York community.
#YorkshireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Yorkshire community.
#ScotlandHour 9pm to 10pm Networking hour for Scotland.
#WeddingHour 9pm to 10pm A networking hour focused on weddings and all that comes with them.
#IrishBizParty 9pm to 11pm A networking hour for Ireland.
#WeddingWednesday All Day Day-long networking focused on weddings and all that comes with them.
#DudleyHour 6pm to 7pm A networking hour for the Dudley community. Helps to connect people and promote their business in the West Midlands .


#BizHour 2pm to 3pm Daily general networking event for all types of businesses.
#AycliffeHour 3pm to 4pm Networking hour for the Aycliffe community.
#B2BHour 3pm to 4pm Another general networking event. Chance to shout out your business.
#DigiJobsHour 3pm to 4pm A networking hour aimed at students looking to get into the digital industry, seek advice/ask questions/look for jobs.
#FollowHour 3pm to 4pm Get more followers! Monday to Friday from 3pm-4pm.
#ChelmsfordHour 4pm to 5pm Networking hour for the Chelmsford community.
#UKBizLunch 12pm to 1pm Tweet while you eat! A productive way to spend your lunch – a general networking hour, happens every weekday.
#BlackpoolHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Blackpool community.
#BradfordHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Bradford community.
#CottageHour 8pm to 9pm A networking hour for holiday cottage owners to tweet offers, promote their business and general chat.
#DerbyshireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Derbyshire community.
#EastAngliaHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the East Anglia community.
#GatesheadHour 8pm to 9pm Netowrking hour for the Gateshead community.
#HullHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Hull community.
#LancashireHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Lancashire community.
#LeedsHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Leeds community.
#LiverpoolHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Liverpool community.
#ManchesterHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Manchester community.
#NorthantsHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Northamptonshire community.
#NottsNatter 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Nottingham community.
#SheffieldBizHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sheffield community.
#SheffieldHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sheffield community.
#SomersetHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Somerset community.
#SouthWestHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the South West of England community.
#SudburyHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sudbury community.
#SunderlandHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sunderland community.
#SussexHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Sussex community.
#UKStartUpHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for UK Start Ups.
#WakefieldHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Wakefield community.
#WarringtonHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Warrington community.
#WirralHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the The Wirral community.
#YorkHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the York community.
#DartfordHour 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Dartford community.
#QueenOf 9am to 9pm For the ladies on Twitter – a general networking hour for women.
#MumpreneurHour 9pm to 10pm A networking hour for working, entrepreneurial Mums.
#JobHour 10am to 11am Find vacancies, apply for jobs and discuss employment-related issues with other job seekers and/or employers.
#MKHour 8.30pm to 9.30pm Networking hour for the Milton Keynes community.
#TwitterSisters 8.30pm to 9.30pm The ladies on Twitter join forces and network amongst each other (Related: #TwitterBrothers).


#ClevelandHour 10am to 11am Networking hour for the Cleveland community.
#ConnectFriday 10am to 11am A general networking event.
#JobHour 10am to 11am Find vacancies, apply for jobs and discuss employment-related issues with other job seekers and/or employers.
#LondonHour 11am to 12pm Networking hour for the London community.
#EcoHour 12pm to 1pm A networking event for people interested in/involved in the eco industry and the issues surrounding it.
#UKBizLunch 12pm to 1pm Tweet while you eat! A productive way to spend your lunch – a general networking hour, happens every weekday.
#EcoHour 12pm to 1pm A networking hour for those interested in/invovled in the eco industry and/or issues surrounding it.
#PartyBizHour 1pm to 2pm A networking event for the Party & Fancy Dress Industry.
#BizHour 2pm to 3pm A general daily networking event for all businesses.
#B2BHour 3pm to 4pm A general networking event for all businesses.
#FollowHour 3pm to 4pm Get more followers! Monday to Friday from 3pm-4pm.
#GBHour 4pm to 5pm A networking hour for the whole of Great Britain.
#RetailHour 8pm to 9pm A networking event for those involved in/interested in the retail industry and issues surrounding it.
#NorthWestHour 9pm to 10pm Networking hour for the North West of England community.


#SatChat 8am to 9:15am Networking for Saturday mornings.
#SpeedNetworking 6pm to 7pm A general networking hour for UK businesses and organisations.
#BrandYorkshire 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Yorkshire community.



#SmartSocial 9am to 12pm The award for businesses who are smart with social media.
#SBS 5pm to 7pm Small Business Sunday – tweet @TheoPaphitis.
#HartlepoolHour 6pm to 7pm Networking hour for the Hartlepool community.
#CoDurhamHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the County Durham community.
#HolmfirthHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for the Holmfirth community.
#WalesHour 8pm to 9pm Networking hour for Wales.
#Funickers 8:30pm to 9:30pm A fun networking event.
#EnglandHour 9pm to 10pm Networking hour for England.
#BrumHour 8PM to 9PM Networking Hour for Birmingham.

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter too! @Webconsultancy_

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