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The domain is up for sale

November 14, 2014 by in category Domain Names, News with 0 and 0

The Ebola outbreak is currently one of the most prominent issues being featured in news reports around the world, which means the owners of the domain are seeing an opportunity to pass on their sought-after online asset.

Business partners Chris Hood and Jon Schultz purchased the name in 2008 and are now selling it for the grand sum of $150,000 (although this price could be subject to change). This is not the first time they’ve invested in a disaster-related domain name; they also own and, to name just a couple. They specialise in registering generic domains and selling them on at a profit when the right time comes. It seems that now is the perfect time to sell on their Ebola-related domain when it is such a hot topic for medical professionals, media outlets and the general public alike.

They are hoping to sell it on to one of the many pharmaceutical companies who are trying to develop cures, or to a medical body who will provide information regarding the deadly disease. Take a look here to read more about this story.

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