If you love the City of Lights or own a business based in the Paris region, and you like the idea of owning a .paris domain name, now is your chance. Thousands of new domains with this suffix are now being made available to anybody who wants one. They have already been available to companies for some time, but now the general public can own their own little slice of the French capital on the world wide web too.
As with the .london domain names that came up for grabs earlier this year, these new domains were first made available for companies. During this priority period, more than 6,000 .paris domains were registered in just a couple of hours. Over the next two years, 10,000 more .paris domains will become available for anybody who wishes to buy one, with prices starting from as low as €39. The city will earn 40 to 60% of the profit from the sale of these domains.
It is thought that these new .paris domains will enable companies to climb search engine rankings much more effectively than the current .fr domains when a search is made in the Paris region, particularly with the increasing use of geolocation on mobile devices. They will allow the city to have greater control over its online territory, creating prestigious new marketing opportunities for companies and individuals based in the capital.
.paris domains have already been a success, with twice as many domains being taken up than was originally predicted. If you are interested in purchasing one of these great domains for yourself or your company, you can find out more by visiting www.bienvenue.paris.