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Monitor and increase your crucial website conversion rates

May 7, 2015 by in category News, Website Design with 0 and 0

Put simply, your conversion rates are the percentage of potential customers that take a particular action when they visit your website. It is important to remember that no matter how healthy your current conversion rates are, they can always get better. When you implement effective ways to successfully improve website conversion, you can dramatically improve your web based sales and drive up your profits.

As an organisation it is crucial that your conversion rates are consistently tracked. There are specific rates that offer you an idea of how your website is performing such as the percentage of visitors that fill out online forms, directly call your company and the number of online purchases that are made. There are several methods of improvement that can be undertaken and when implemented efficiently they can significantly boost your rates.

Many people underestimate the importance of displaying clear contact information on their business website. Rather than hiding your email address and telephone number in a corner, it needs to be clearly visible so that people do not have to scour your site for it. Easily identifiable contact information along with live chat options will typically increase conversions by instilling confidence in your customers, letting them know that you are a genuine company and there is a real person available if they need assistance.

When you add social proof to your site via testimonials, along with credibility in the form of trust seals from web security firms, you substantially increase your chances of driving up your conversion rates. Offering your customers a guarantee enables a higher degree of confidence in your goods and by providing a lengthy guarantee you are likely to aid your conversion rates even further. 365 days is much more appealing to customers than 30.

When people visit your website, the headline is typically the first thing they see. Your headline can literally mean the difference between staying on your site and leaving immediately. It is wise to test new headlines regularly to assess the fluctuation of your conversion rates. By utilising the services of a professional website consultancy, you can benefit from skilled and experienced web developers that have the insight and industry know-how to design, build and maintain your site and ensure every step is taken to get more leads and improve website conversion. We are a reputable name and we offer affordable services and high quality web hosting, design and development in the North East.

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