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Choosing the right platform to build your website

May 17, 2015 by in category News, Website Design with 0 and 0

Website design and development has gotten easier than ever with the development of new platforms like WordPress. Traditionally sites were built in HTML, CSS or Flash, which can be difficult to learn and master. With modern content management systems (CMS), attractive and functional websites have become much more accessible, even for small businesses.

In 2015 the top three platforms that websites are built in are WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. WordPress is the overwhelming favourite, with over 50% of sites on the internet built in this form. There are several reasons for its success, most notably the fact that it is completely free to use. This has attracted a huge number of people, including web developers who have come up with a range of different themes, plug-ins and other features. No other platform has such a large community behind it.

Another factor in favour of WordPress is that it is beginner friendly so you don’t need to be a technical expert to build a website using it. With Drupal the learning curve is very steep and you’ll require coding experience. Joomla is a little easier but again some coding knowledge is essential.

Although Drupal does require some experience of coding to use, there are many benefits to be enjoyed. Sites built in it typically load faster and are more responsive. It is the most technologically advanced of the three and reduces the amount of system resources you need to use. The websites are also completely customisable, even down to the root files, so you’ll have more freedom to create your own design.

Joomla is regularly referred to as the middle ground between the other two platforms. It is easier to use than Drupal but more powerful than WordPress so you get good rewards for learning a little coding. The platform is most commonly used to make social media and e-commerce websites. It has grown in popularity over recent years and continues to gather interest with its unique features and blend of power and usability.

When deciding which platform to use you should keep in mind your aims for the website design, your technical knowledge and willingness to pay if you need support. WordPress is the cheapest option but is not as dynamic as the other two platforms. Both Joomla and Drupal require more knowledge to use. You’ll also find you incur higher costs with both if you need support.

If you’re considering how to build a website we would be happy to help you. Our team of web designers in Middlesbrough are on hand to advise you about the different platforms you can use and the benefits of each. They will help you to determine your needs and decide which option is best for you. After this important decision we can help you with the next stages of the design, building the site, launching and maintaining it.

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