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The future of web design

June 22, 2015 by in category News, Website Design with 0 and 0

Appealing and functional web design is a must for businesses, but there are many potential pitfalls to avoid. One common mistake is the overuse of colour on websites. When used in the right way, colour can be great to make something pop out of the page and attract attention, but too much colour can make everything blend together and make it difficult to interact with. It is important to find the right balance and allow colours to complement each other, rather than compete.

Broken links are another factor that’s often overlooked, but can have a large effect on your website. Clicking on a broken link can cause frustration for your visitors and make them see your website in a negative light. Broken links can also have a negative impact on your search engine rankings, so resolving them should be near the top of the priority list for web designers.

Responsive design is also crucial for the future of web design. As the number of people using portable devices such as tablets and smartphones continues to grow, you need your website to adapt to a range of devices. Mobile users want to visit a website that will adapt to their needs, meaning that they can freely and easily access pages without any loss of function or visual appeal. A responsive design can also affect your SEO campaign, as a recent Google algorithm update has favoured mobile optimised websites.

If you would like to stay one step ahead of the competition, we can help. With a team of skilled web developers and designers based in the North East, we can provide you with effective web design, not only in terms of user experience but in terms of SEO too. Located in Middlesbrough, we’re able to serve clients from across the UK and overseas. Get in touch and we’ll discuss a website MOT to resolve any pressing issues and design changes to help your business succeed.

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