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Google has revealed its new logo

September 6, 2015 by in category Google, News with 0 and 0

Just a month after announcing its company-wide restructure, this week Google unveiled its brand new logo, an updated and tweaked version of its famous multi-coloured lettering.

This is the first time the logo has been altered since 2013, and the fifth version of the logo since Google came into being 17 years ago. Two years is a long time in the world of the internet, so it was definitely time for a change, and this is the most radical alteration the logo has seen so far.

The new logo incorporates a sleek sans-serif font which is simpler and more streamlined than the old logo, but still retains the iconic colour order and the tilted “e”. Google have states that the redesign was intended to bring the brand more into line with the multi-platform, multi-device user experience it offers. The new logo is designed to work well on small screens and maintain a coherent brand identity across many different products and platforms.

Many designers have praised the new logo as looking friendlier due to its emphasis of the circular shapes in the letters – we certainly think it gives Google a fresher and more modern look, so we approve.

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