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Branch out into international ecommerce

November 17, 2015 by in category News with 0 and 0

One of the best things about having an ecommerce business as opposed to selling items purely from a physical premises is the potential audience it gives you. A webstore provides the opportunity to sell to customers throughout the world, rather than being limited to those who are able to visit you in person. If you’re thinking about expanding your ecommerce business overseas and selling to international customers, you will naturally have to make a few adaptations to your site as they will have different requirements to your domestic customers.

Firstly, you will need to think about domain names. If you’re looking to target consumers in different countries, think about purchasing domains that are specific to that country, such as .de for Germany and .es for Spain. You will still be able to sell to international markets with a .uk or domain, but localised domains can give a real boost to your local SEO, so are definitely worth considering.

You will of course need to adjust your site to accommodate the currencies of the countries you are targeting and ensure that your content is tailored to the particular cultures and customs of that country. Professional translation may be required to ensure that your content is appropriate.

As always, it is crucial that your site contains good quality, informative and well written content, including clear and concise product descriptions. This will not only encourage people to buy from you and complete their purchases, but can also aid in your search engine optimisation efforts. Updating content regularly will also be helpful, so consider adding a blog with information and news about your products and services, and make sure to stay active on social media to spread the word to your clients both at home and abroad.

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