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Keep up with these latest web design trends

August 30, 2017 by in category Website Design with 0 and 0

Web Consultancy understands that websites needs to keep evolving if they want to remain up to date and useful to users. Web design trends can change quickly as users’ interests and behaviours adapt. A great website won’t remain static; it will evolve alongside the target audience.  

As we specialise in WordPress web design, the latest design trends can change even faster because there is such a huge community of developers. They are always finding new methods to reinvent websites. It’s always wise to follow the top companies and individuals in the world; they have to be at the forefront of latest trends. So what are the leading authorities on web design interested in at the moment? Let’s take a look.

3D shapes
Website aesthetics have a long and varied history. At the beginning, the trend was to imitate real life objects and place them in the digital realm. For example, when the first Samsung Galaxy Note was released, the notebook feature resembled that of a real notepad, even including simulated holes for a ring binder. However, over time these trends have changed.

A couple of years ago Flash began declining and we were all made aware of HTML5. Most websites then became full of sharp edges and clean lines. This gave rise to minimalistic themes.

Google began using geometric shapes a few years ago, and other enterprises have now caught up. These are more appealing visually than the traditional icons.

Eye catching colours
Consumer facing brands are becoming more experimental with colours. Originally, companies thought they had to stick with the business-like colours, but they have now realised that simply doesn’t attract enough business. Bright colours are much more appealing for customers visiting their website.

Initially GIFs were designed to just be a stand in until computer’s memory and bandwidth could display full video. They remain very popular though and they can be used strategically in your web design. Companies are using GIFs to add a sophisticated touch, perhaps to describe a product, tell a story, and much more.

These are only some of the ways web design trends are evolving. It is a great idea to stay up to date and check to see what changes in designs, layouts, and even functions consumers demand. If you can stay up to date with them and even exceed their requirements, the rewards can be amazing. WordPress is a great platform to us with this in mind because it facilitates easy changes.

If you are interested in creating a new up to date website or modernising your existing one, then please get in touch with us here at Web Consultancy.

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