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Website marketing tips which are essential

April 17, 2019 by in category News with 0 and 0

Businesses need to have strategies in place that will increase visibility and allow for growth. This is regardless of whether you are a brick and mortar company or offer digital services. Marketing is crucial for getting people to look at your business. You can quickly reach potential customers and make a great connection. After creating a website, you need to work on it to get noticed. Check out some of our website marketing tips below.

The Right Start

You cannot hope to be successful without the right basics. Make sure that you have a responsive site which has easy navigation. It should contain essential information that customers might look for. Examples of this are contact details, operating hours and services.

Ensure Content Is Valuable

You might have heard of content marketing. This encompasses formats like social media content and blogging. You should have a good mix of content and ensure it is useful to your audience.

A blog is great for not only building an audience but also ranking and boosting credibility. You will likely start out with a very small following but it will yield greater results the longer you keep up your efforts. You can share your blogs on platforms that are the most suitable for your business to increase their visibility.

Local Listing

Try targeting people in the local area first. You can do this through local search directories, keywords with locations, and more. Being listed with Google is helpful so that people can find you, even if it is only for directions.

Mobile Optimisation

The majority of people always have their mobile phone with them. Think about it – most people who are searching for information will use it. Who can blame them when it is so convenient? The days where you needed access to a desktop computer are gone. With this in mind you need a website that is responsive and accessible to everyone, regardless of device. A site like this is something Google likes to see.

Marketing is something you have to invest time and effort in to improve SEO and authority. That being said, there are many low cost options which offer benefits when you continue this ongoing process. You need an affordable marketing plan that works for you and helps promote your business.

For more website marketing tips and specialist services, get in touch with the Web Consultancy team. You can reach us by phone, email, or with our contact form.

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