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Microsoft’s new web browser

March 29, 2015 by in category News

Microsoft has struggled with web browsing technology for a number of years, and has found Internet Explorer lagging behind other browsers in terms of features and users.

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A possible new Google algorithm?

March 28, 2015 by in category News

The race to reach the top result of a search engine is never-ending, with many companies dedicated to writing, re-writing and designing their websites just to secure this prestigious top spot. Doing so will boost interest and internet traffic and will certainly give a lift to the revenue of any company that secures this spot.

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Filling your site with quality content

March 26, 2015 by in category Content Marketing, News

The content and images on your website are crucial for grabbing the attention of your visitors and ensuring they stay on your site. This means it’s vital that your site is filled with top quality, original content and relevant images, rather than stuffed with spam content. Among our various services, we can offer our clients […]

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Using Pinterest to build your brand

March 25, 2015 by in category News, Social Media

Pinterest isn’t only a place for people to showcase photos of their cooking or their handmade arts and crafts; it can also be a useful marketing tool for businesses.

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The qualities of great web design

March 24, 2015 by in category News, Website Design

Badly designed business websites tend to perform poorly. They have high bounce rates, low time on site, and low pages per visit. There are a few basic principles that can be applied universally to optimise your website for better performance and crucial web conversions.

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More than half of the UK using tablets to browse the internet

March 23, 2015 by in category News, Website Design

It has been predicted that more than half the population of the UK will be using tablet devices by the end of 2015. Research firm eMarketer carried out the study, which determined that 32.8 million people in the UK will be using a tablet at least once a month this year. By 2019, the research […]

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Update your site for the new season

March 22, 2015 by in category News, Website Design

Easter is coming up and spring is in the air, so why not consider giving your website a fresh new look for the new season? We can provide your website with a fantastic seasonal theme, ensuring you can give your valued website visitors something new to look at when they come to your site.

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Facebook’s Product Ads allow dynamic marketing for businesses

March 21, 2015 by in category Facebook, News

Social media marketing is a step that many companies pursue, and it can be incredibly effective in promoting products and improving business-customer relations. It can’t be denied just how effective websites such as Facebook and Twitter are when it comes to advertising, and the medium of social marketing has transformed the very ways in which […]

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Say hello to Vivaldi, the newest web browser

March 19, 2015 by in category News

The web browser market was originally highly competitive with different browsers all competing to encourage people to use their product. We started out with Internet Explorer and Opera before Firefox was introduced in 2004 and set about acquiring a big following. Google unveiled Chrome in 2008 and brought even more competition but since then there […]

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Striking the right balance in web design

March 18, 2015 by in category News, Website Design

When it comes to modern business, a beautifully designed website is one of the most important assets you can have. If you have a brilliant idea for your website but aren’t sure what to actually do with it, we are on hand to help. We are highly skilled in web design and love to help […]

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