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Dead drops provide a way to share information anonymously

March 17, 2015 by in category Miscellaneous, News

With the advent of the internet, we can share music, video images, and information with people all over the world within minutes – but now there is an international community sharing files in a more mysterious way through the use of “dead drops”.

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Making your company’s Facebook page more meaningful

March 16, 2015 by in category Facebook, News

If your business runs a Facebook page, either to update your customers on new products and services or to simply connect with them, you may be affected by changes in the upcoming weeks. Page owners may notice that their “like” count may drop slightly, but it’s probably not because of something you have done wrong.

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Could a two tier internet really work?

March 15, 2015 by in category News

Plans are afoot in Europe to devise a new two tier system for the internet to replace the current single level one. The tiers would be split to create a high speed priority path for important, emergency traffic, whilst the other would be left for more generalised use. This would allow ISPs to charge a […]

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Google now have control over the .app domain suffix

March 14, 2015 by in category Domain Names, News

Google have paid £16.2 million to have control over the much sought-after new .app domain name suffix, winning out over twelve other bidders including Amazon. This was reportedly the highest price ever paid for a top level domain at an ICANN auction, with the previous record holder, .tech, selling for around £4.4 million in 2014.

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What to do when Google penalises your site

March 12, 2015 by in category Google, News

It’s a widely accepted concept in this day and age that a high Google ranking is an essential part of an online strategy. Whether you use the web for e-commerce or brand building, falling outside of the first three or four pages of search results for your products or services makes success difficult.

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The importance of website conversion

March 11, 2015 by in category News, Website Design

Website conversion is crucial to all businesses with an online presence. The ultimate aim of your business website is to get your visitors to do what you want them to do, whether that’s buying your product or choosing your service over a competitor’s, which means successful conversion is the ultimate goal of your website.

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Creating bespoke content for your site

March 10, 2015 by in category Content Marketing, News

The visuals of your website are important, but many business owners don’t realise that it’s just as vital to have high quality written content filling the pages of the site. Amongst our various services for helping you to boost your online presence, we provide professional content writing services, offering you well written text that is […]

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New Welsh domain names up for grabs

March 9, 2015 by in category Domain Names, News

Great news for Welsh business owners this week: this week the internet domain names .wales and .cymru were made available to members of the public, giving you the chance to snag a location-specific domain that could help to give your business a head start in the competitive online world.

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Samsung unveil new mobile devices

March 8, 2015 by in category News

With mobile devices being more important in our lives than ever before, it seems like there are new models coming out every week, challenging web designed and online specialists to adapt. There has been yet another new device introduced to the market, as Samsung unveiled their new smartphone models at the beginning of this month.

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Using colour effectively in your website design

March 7, 2015 by in category News, Website Design

With regard to retail, shopping is the art of persuasion. There are a wide range of factors that influence how and what consumers buy. One of the most powerful visual tools when it comes to advertising is colour.

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