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Category: Google

What to do when Google penalises your site

March 12, 2015 by in category Google, News

It’s a widely accepted concept in this day and age that a high Google ranking is an essential part of an online strategy. Whether you use the web for e-commerce or brand building, falling outside of the first three or four pages of search results for your products or services makes success difficult.

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Google is launching a brand new mobile network

March 3, 2015 by in category Google, News

There have been rumours for a while that Google is planning to launch its own mobile phone network, and the internet giant has now confirmed that the rumours are true. For now the network, known as “Project Nova”, is only being launched in the USA, with the aim of improving wireless connections for people who […]

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Google makes changes to ecommerce site searches

February 11, 2015 by in category Google, News

There have been rumours this week that Google has implemented yet another search engine algorithm change. It seems that the changes have been having an effect mostly on mobile and ecommerce related web sites, but Google has not actually confirmed that these changes have taken place.

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The changing face of SEO in the new year

December 9, 2014 by in category Google, News

Search engine optimisation is a process that is constantly changing, and as we head into 2015, you need to consider about getting a head start on your SEO if you want to start the new year ahead of your competitors.

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