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Enhance your e-mail marketing by engaging your market

September 19, 2015 by in category Digital Marketing, News with 0 and 0

Marketing is important for businesses to engage with their audience and gain customers. Business owners are always looking for the most efficient ways to market themselves to potential customers, with e-mail proving to be the most popular and preferred method.

It’s easy to dismiss e-mail as a method of communication from the past, particularly as smartphone instant messaging apps grow in popularity. However, the reality is that e-mails are just as popular as ever. In fact, a new survey from Adobe of 400 adult workers revealed that 90% checked their personal e-mail at work, and 87% checked their work e-mails outside of working hours. Despite such a large potential audience, many e-mail marketers are failing to make the most of the medium to attract potential customers.

Despite the continuing popularity of e-mail, roughly 32% of those surveyed want fewer repetitive emails from brands. The survey also uncovered a number of reasons why potential customers may be turned off by e-mails, meaning that such problems can be easily fixed. 28% said that they were turned off by having to scroll too much to read the e-mail. This is a real attention killer, particularly for those using smartphones. 21% stated that they were turned off by not having the layout optimised for a mobile platform, and 21% said that they were turned off by waiting for images to load. 13% stated that they’d prefer more personalisation in accordance to their needs and location, with 6% wanting buttons to make a purchase directly from e-mail.

This shows that marketers should take time to ensure that not only are e-mails less repetitive and more personalised, but also optimised for mobile viewing. E-mail marketing remains a powerful force in the realm of digital marketing and by tweaking your campaign, you could very well increase interest in your company and brand.

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