You may have noticed more videos popping up in your Facebook news feed recently. The social media giant has made a strong push for video engagement on its platform, and businesses worldwide are embracing the benefits. Facebook’s Autoplay feature means that videos play silently and automatically. This makes them more eye-catching and likely to grab people’s attention as they scroll, which inevitably inflates daily viewing figures.
If you are not yet using video on your professional Facebook page, you may be missing out on many potential advantages. Here are a few tips and tricks to get more engagement and increase the traffic to your website by using video as part of your digital marketing strategy.
There are many benefits to posting inspirational content. Videos that make people feel good garner more likes, shares and comments than sales messages. The great thing is that you do not need a big budget or film crew to create effective video material. Honest and professionally produced content can connect with people on a personal level, encouraging them to utilise your business.
You can use your video to educate your audience about your brand and services or offer helpful hints and advice to ensure they get the most out of their purchases. This helps people feel they are receiving real value for money as well as quality products.
You can use video to be entertaining without being predictable. Avoid the comical cats that everyone has seen a hundred times, and be inventive. Consider putting together a cartoon to introduce your company and its characters, and include informal and light-hearted behind the scenes interviews with your team members. There are many online tools available that make the production of a unique video with a business purpose quick and simple.
Include a featured video that has a constant presence on your page. Ensure it makes the right first impression and contains informative material for your potential customers. Answering the most commonly asked questions in your introductory video makes purchase decisions easy and secures customer satisfaction.
Editing options allow you to change aspects of your video should you need to. Additionally, you can create a convenient playlist that enables your users to access all your available videos. Keep them short and sweet for maximum benefits – two minutes is usually enough. Use good lighting, tight editing and ensure there is movement in the first few seconds to make Autoplay work for you. Facebook has revealed that people are posting 75% more videos than they did 12 months ago which opens up great opportunities to enhance your professional digital marketing strategy.