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The hottest web design trends in 2019

March 5, 2019 by in category Website Design with 0 and 0

The Web Consultancy team can supply personal web design services that match your requirements. We know that trying to make an impact online is difficult. By making us your partner however, we can help you overcome the obstacles you’ll face. Our aid extends to established companies and ones that are just starting out.

It’s hard to believe, but 2019 is well under way. We’re heading towards the last chapter of this decade. In the previous 10 years, the internet has evolved dramatically. Firstly, we have seen the introduction of various new technologies. In addition, the changes in web design trends have been incredible. Below, we’ve gathered some of the leading predictions for web trends this year so you can consider a change to your design.

Serifs on screen

First, we have serifs on screen. Most of us are aware of the rule that we use serifs for print and sans serifs for screen. Nonetheless, design trends wouldn’t be anything if we didn’t shake things up a bit. Sans remains the go-to for lengthier pieces of website copy. However, an increasing number of brands are using bold serifs in other elements of their designs. This includes callouts and headers. The reason why is that serifs were created to be decorative. Therefore, they’re ideal for emphasis and can add some more style to a page.

Black and white

These palettes are becoming more popular. For websites, colour is an integral detail. By generating visual landmarks, it escorts us through an interface. It unifies a brand and cultivates a mood too. In 2019, we’ll be seeing black and white designs making some imposing statements though. Black on its own is assertive as well as strong. White is reserved and clean. Mix them together and you can obtain a striking look.

Natural, organic shapes

These features are also on the radar. Normally, you set up web pages for systematic grids. However, designers are leaning more towards smooth lines and natural shapes. Geometric structures are able to manufacture a degree of stability. Nevertheless, 2019’s trends are more focused on offering a feeling of comfort and accessibility. Organic shapes are asymmetrical and imperfect naturally. As such, they result in a web design with depth. This makes web page details stand out.


The final trend we’re going to cover here is minimalism. This is among the timeless and classic web design trends. Usually, it’s the go-to aesthetic of choice. The lower the amount of content and elements on a website, the less the audience needs to think. When designed properly, it’ll show the users precisely what it is they’re after.

In 2019’s digital landscape, minimalism shall continue to dominate design choices. There are fade-in effects and animations that make scrolling more engaging. These shall provide web pages with the freedom to space content out. This will lead to more clear typography, whitespace, and contrast. At the same time, there won’t be too many distracting features.

At Web Consultancy, we can offer you a website that allows you to make changes whenever you please. This is all thanks to WordPress. With our simple all-in-one web design packages, you’ll have everything you need to succeed. If you would like to know more, you’re welcome to contact us.

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