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How press releases will help your SEO strategy this year

January 15, 2015 by in category Content Marketing, News with 0 and 0

For many years, press releases have been a part of many SEO strategies and an online marketer’s friend, especially since Google algorithm updates back in 2011 and 2012.

These algorithm changes, called Panda and Penguin, were placed with the intention of bringing better quality connections and content to the internet, placing the websites that are reputable and updated frequently first. Press releases are one of the greatest ways to capitalise on that.

Now that we are in a new year, it’s just a matter of time before SEO starts to change again. When we will have a new algorithm is unknown except to Google employees, but it is definitely something that we can predict and act upon currently. While press releases will remain relevant in 2015, it’s important to know how to avoid potential pitfalls if you are going to utilise them in your strategy. Here are some of the best tips we can offer.

High quality. It seems obvious, but your content needs to be from authoritative sources and well written. A lot of the sites where your press release will be posted will be reputable, so it’s important that your content keeps up with the required standards. The brand association from these posts as well will be beneficial for establishing your site’s credibility.

Natural links from exterior sources. Google likes nothing better than a website which is linked to from other sites containing high quality and unique content. By posting well-written press releases every month, you’ll be able to show Google that your website is one to be trusted.

Reputation management online. As you are able to control the content of your press release, you can use them to manage your reputation.

Increased traffic and referrals to your website. SEO isn’t necessarily all about reaching the top spot – website traffic can be gained through other sources too. By using press releases in your strategy, you increase the interest and referral clicks to your website. Increased traffic can translate to potential increased sales.

There are many additional reasons why press releases should be a part of your strategy in 2015. If you would additional information about press releases or simply would like to discuss your business’ online marketing with us, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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