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Improving your website’s conversion rate

May 15, 2015 by in category News, SEO with 0 and 0

The goal of every business website is to bring in traffic, attention, and hopefully custom. SEO (search engine optimisation) helps you to achieve this. However, that traffic also needs to convert into actual custom. A website’s conversion rate is crucial to its actual success.

A website’s conversion rate is simply the number of visitors who go on to be actual customers, purchasing the goods or services that you provide. While a website’s traffic is often one of the statistics that is primarily focused on, this statistic needs to backed with a good conversion rate, particularly if your business is focused on e-commerce. If your conversion rate is low, then that means that far too few of your visitors are actually going on to choose your product or service.

When it comes to improving your conversion rate, there are a number of techniques that can be employed. A sale funnel is often used in order to improve website conversion. Essentially, it provides a set of small steps that eventually result in the customer being comfortable or attracted enough to commit to a purchase. You need to build awareness and interest which will, hopefully, lead to a sale. Generating this awareness and interest often involves marketing free downloads, newsletters and other relevant items to your customer, slowly building up their trust so that they are finally comfortable enough to make a purchase from you.

One of the most important things is to NOT force a sale. This is likely to result in people simply leaving the site. Customers want the space and time to visit a website and browse without feeling as if they’re being coerced into a purchase. Increased trust will doubtlessly improve website conversion, and ensure that more visitors become customers. In a similar vein, you want to make a purchase as simple as possible. Over-complicating the sales process will deter your visitors from becoming customers. You can encourage your visitors to become customers by not forcing people to register to make a sale, offering free shipping, and providing a number of other incentives.

Content is very important when it comes to boosting conversion rates. High quality, tailored content will tempt visitors into becoming customers, while poor quality content will send your visitors away from your website. Cut out all the business and sales jargon, state the benefits of using your product or service and provide testimonials. These steps will also go a long way to boosting trust in your business and your products.

There are many, many other options for improving your website’s conversion rate, many of which depend on your website and the services and products that you provide. We can provide the necessary digital marketing and search engine optimisation you need to reach as many new clients as possible.

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