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Remember navigation needs with mobile responsive web design

February 8, 2017 by in category Website Design with 0 and 0

It’s widely known that mobile devices are now the dominant platform in terms of what people use to visit websites. Over 50% of all website traffic comes from them, with tablets and smartphones being the two most commonly used. It’s due to this that we, the number one name for web design Middlesbrough has, always stress the importance of making sure your site is mobile responsive.

On a very broad level it would be reasonable to say that “mobile responsive” is defined as a site appearing correctly within the dimensions of the screen on which it is being used. This is to say that it means the site would naturally expand or reduce to fit perfectly. Whilst this is very important as it allows a full view of the site, it is just as important to make sure that visitors can navigate it with ease. In this respect, making sure you have “swipe space” is essential.

There are very few mobile devices in general use today which are not touchscreen. The lack of keys, or user interfaces such as a mouse, means that all actions must be made by touching and swiping the screen. This is what we define as the “swipe space” on a design, as it gives a clear area where users can touch in order to scroll a webpage up and down.

When it comes to the perfect design for a website there are many people who believe the layout should make the maximum use of the space available. For them the prospect of blank or empty spaces just looks like “dead space”, and gives them a sense of an incomplete design.

If we’re honest we totally understand this view, and respect it. There are times when big blank spaces can seem like a distraction. We do believe, however, that it is possible to get the right balance between spaces needed for swiping and having your site appear to take up most of the screen on which it is being viewed.

Making sure a site is mobile responsive takes more than just ensuring the display ratio adjusts to any screen size. In order to make sure your site is easy to use by your target market it needs to feature user friendly navigation. As the leading provider of web design Middlesbrough has, we have a proud reputation for making sure features like adequate swipe space are given consideration.

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