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Tips on how to build a first class website

June 14, 2018 by in category Website Design with 0 and 0

For many people, one of the first things they do when they hear about a business is find out if they have a website. The site can be very useful, helping them to find information directly from the company they are interested in.

Whether you don’t know how to build a website, never got around to it, or are a new company starting up, here are a few tips to get you started.

Domain Name

This is the thing that identifies your website and is unique to you. It not only needs to be relevant, but owning multiple ones that all direct to your site can be incredibly useful. We can help you obtain domain names for your business.

Keep SEO In Mind

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is vital. When you build a website, you need to ensure that search engines can read it and sort it in the results. Otherwise, how will it people find it?

This includes navigation, so use a sitemap. They not only help the search engine find things but also benefit people visiting the site. Content is also a big factor, so update it and keep it unique. A professional content writer can do exactly this for you.

Make It Functional

You may think you have a brilliant idea that looks nice, but would it work in practice? If a potential customer cannot find what they are looking for, it doesn’t matter what it looks like because they will go elsewhere. Always keep the customer in mind and make it easy to use. Search and drop down boxes are a simple yet effective way to help anyone looking through.

Remember Phones

A big element to remember is mobile optimisation. This is where a huge volume of searches take place. After all, it is simple and easy rather than waiting until you can do it on a desktop or laptop. Consumers want something that they can interact with and look at easily on any device. They may go elsewhere if you do not have this.

Get People Interacting

Websites can be very useful. You can describe your products and services and give an insight into the business. But, you have to remember to give people something to do with all this information. You have choices when it comes to this.

Some ideas include:
– A link to the contact page
– Query form
– Sign up for newsletter
– Create an e-commerce site

Contact The Best

So much goes into building a website. At Web Consultancy, we have the expert knowledge to help you with all these aspects and more. If you want to get started with a free domain name and 12 months of secure hosting, contact our team at 01642 049 410. We would be happy to tell you more about what we do and how to build a website.

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